How to remove the text in the wp-admin footer
After a brief chat with our UI/UX chap we decided it would make sense to remove the text at the bottom of the WordPress admin. “Thank you for creating with WordPress” on the bottom left,…
After a brief chat with our UI/UX chap we decided it would make sense to remove the text at the bottom of the WordPress admin. “Thank you for creating with WordPress” on the bottom left,…
Editing the text labels on the WordPress login form and the lost password form is pretty easy. There’s a handy action called gettext that all WordPress translated text for the entire site goes through (whether it’s…
Adding and removing new meta boxes is pretty easy in WordPress thanks to the numerous native functions. The same functions can even be used to change the position of native meta boxes, moving them up, down and into…
I work for a digital agency that tends to deal with multi-market sites a lot. Most of the sites aren’t particularly high traffic and sit quite happily together on a large EC2 instance with nginx. However, a persistent problem…
The other day I published a post on how the `–save-dev` flag in NPM is often used incorrectly. Hopefully some people will read it and somewhere a DevOps engineer will be able to lead a happy…
You see it all the time. There you are trying to install an innocent NPM plugin when BHAM, it happens, a DevOps engineer dies… Ok so maybe I’m exaggerating a tiny bit but ‘gets very cross‘…
If you happened to glance at my previous post about the media_sideload_image function you’ll know that recently I had to manually import a load of content into a WordPress install. A lot of this was done with…
Post revisions in WordPress are great. They give you a huge amount of control over your posts & pages and allow you or your authors to edit at will without having to worry about taking…
Trash in WordPress is great. If you accidentally delete a post or page instead of being permanently deleted it is simply moved to the trash folder where it can be recovered if necessary. By default…
More times than I can count I’ve had to validate dates in PHP, not only check if it is in the required format but also to make sure the date actually exists. Until recently there…