Categories: Tutorials

Stop using NPM wrong –save-dev

You see it all the time. There you are trying to install an innocent NPM plugin when BHAM, it happens, a DevOps engineer dies…

Ok so maybe I’m exaggerating a tiny bit but ‘gets very cross‘ is certainly accurate. What I’m talking about is the ‘–save-dev’ flag when adding a new NPM package to a project. For some reason this has now become the de facto standard and it’s, (mostly), wrong.

The popular gulp-ruby-sass using –save-dev

grunt-contrib-compass also recomending –save-dev

So what’s the problem with –save-dev?

Well nothing in theory. Like almost all other package managers NPM can distinguish between packages that should be installed in a production environment and packages that should be installed in a development environment. The obvious reason for this is that you’re probably not going to need all your javascript testing frameworks etc in production. However, unless you’re still FTPing CSS files up to the production server (bad), the chances are you’re also going to want gulp-ruby-sass or whatever else is in your default grunt task on the production server as well.

“But I run `git pull && npm install` on my server and it works fine, what are you on about?” you ask bewildered. Well, firstly congratulations for not using FTP, however what you should be doing is ‘npm install –production’. By default npm installs all packages including the dev ones, however, if you pass the ‘–production’ flag it will only install the production packages.

You can see where the problems start to come in. We now run nearly all of our deployments with Capistrano which we have setup to pass the ‘–production’ flag in by default. If a developer has installed a package with ‘–save-dev’ that needs to be run on the server the entire deployment fails, (gracefully, of course) and some poor DevOps engineer, (sometimes me), has to spend hours trying to work out why the default grunt task isn’t completing only to realise that it’s because the NPM package it’s trying to use isn’t on the server.

So next time you’re adding an NPM package take a moment and decide if it’s going to be required in production or not. If it is, don’t use ‘–save-dev’.

tldr: Don’t use ‘–save-dev’ to add NPM packages unless you’re absolutely sure that they’re not required in a production enviroment

Edward :