This actually comes up quite a lot on Google and WPML’s forums. You have multiple Editors on your site and you want to be able to restrict each of them to certain languages. Unfortunately WPML doesn’t come with the ability built in and frankly they don’t make it easy to implement either (private variables)! Having spent a reasonable amount of time figuring out how to do it (and being overly pleased when I did) I thought I’d save other people a load of trouble and release it as a plugin.
I’ve actually written dozen of plugins and themes in the past but they’ve all been for private projects or for a very specific use, this is my first publicly available one. It actually turned out to be a pretty perfect project for my first plugin, the size and scope of it is just right and it touches on a lot of different areas. As I do with a lot of my plugins I used the rather excellent WordPress Plugin Boilerplate which I heartily recommend as a base for nay plugin. To be honest the hardest part of the lot was trying to use SVN, having never really used it and coming from a git background it really made very little sense to me and took longer than I feel it should for me to work it out. Anyway, without further ado…
My first plugin
Ok so it’s actually been out since May on the plugin directory but I’ve only just got round to writing this article, but I have just updated it to 1.0.2 with some important bug fixes. You can view it or download it here.
This plugin relies on WPML, it is useless without and won’t activate. You can buy WPML here.